Three-Nut Cheese
I have been both fascinated and mystified by nut cheese. It wasn't until I went vegan two years ago that I even learned you could make cheese from nuts. No, it doesn't necessarily taste much like milk cheese, but it's still delicious and of course, much healthier for you than the moo-ey version. This recipe is also from Big Vegan, and is actually for quesadillas topped with a mango salsa. I plan on giving that a try, but I think this cheese tastes phenomenal on crackers and apples. I melted some on a tortilla and the flavor really comes out. This recipe is a process, so allow a couple of days for it to magically turn into cheese.
  • ⅓ C macadamia nuts
  • ⅓ C raw cashews
  • ⅓ C almonds, slivered or flaked
  • 1 acidophilus capsule
  • 1 Tbs cold-pressed corn oil (I used olive oil)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • ½ tsp salt
  1. Place the nuts in a bowl and cover with cold water; refrigerate overnight. The next day, drain the nuts and puree them in a food processor with ½ C water. Add the contents of the acidophilus capsule and puree.
  2. Transfer to a glass bowl and loosely cover with plastic wrap. Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours.
  3. It will then give off a very cottage-cheesy smell. Stir in the lemon juice, oil, and salt. Refrigerate. Enjoy!
Recipe by Epicurean Vegan at