Wow, is it Friday already? I haven’t been posting too many new recipes lately–I’ve been busy and just been making some of my favorites meals that are already posted. Next week, though, I’m ready to get back in the kitchen and start working some vegan magic. In the meantime, Feast On This!:
Meat Free Mondays Are Catching On!
San Francisco is the first city to actually pass a motion promoting a plant-based diet by encouraging its residents to forgo meat at least one day a week. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors are hoping to get restaurants, grocery stores, and schools to offer more meat-free options.
Other cities are catching on as well, such as Takoma Park, Maryland where a statewide initiative designating April 24th-April 30th as Takoma Park Veg Week.
Get Involved! All it takes are some great vegan/vegetarian recipes and you’ve got a Monday night get together with friends, family, and neighbors. Encourage them to go meat-free on Monday by supplying them with a great recipe, or better yet, cook together. It won’t take much to convince people that vegan food is not rabbit food! Start your own revolution in your neighborhood by hosting a a Boca Burger BBQ! Word will spread and you just might inspire someone to host their own Meat Free Monday Night!
Check out the Meat Free Monday website for news, ideas, and learn ways to spread the word!
Rocco the Vegan Cowboy
You’ve probably seen this video before, but it’s one of my favorites! Rocco, a rancher and long-time meat eater took on Dr. Oz’s challenge of going vegan for a month. It’s amazing how much Rocco’s life (and health) has changed since going vegan–it’s the best testimonial for the vegan diet.
Milk Wars
The National Milk Producers Federation wants “milk” to be theirs and only theirs. They have asked the Food and Drug Administration to define milk as “the secretions of a lactating mammal” (gee…doesn’t that sounds appetizing?) and that plant-based milks be defined as “imitation milk.” Is this really important? The FDA isn’t jumping on it right away, saying that they will consider the issue, but will focus on public health priorities.
First it was necessary to civilize man in relation to man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in relation to nature and the animals.
-Victor Hugo
I have been so excited to see all the restaurants and cities embracing meatless Mondays. It is such an important movement, and I hope it makes more people pay attention to what they are consuming and supporting.
I couldn’t agree more. I think changes are finally starting to slowly happen–better late than never. Thanks to the movie, Food, Inc, and books like Eating Animals and The Omnivore’s Dilemma, it’s getting people to think about what they’re eating and where it comes from. I think it’s also helping people to speak up about the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle who otherwise remained quiet.