Would You Serve an All Vegan Wedding or Party?
This question came up onYumSugar, prompted by the recent wedding of Chelsea Clinton, a fellow vegan. She threw an all-vegan wedding, however, did offer a grass-fed beef. Allergic to gluten, she had a gluten-free cake, as well. The responses were mixed. Some people felt that the bride and groom were obligated to offer different types of food for their guests and make their guests comfortable. (How can veggies make someone uncomfortable)? Others felt that if the bride and groom are paying for it, they should serve whatever they like.
I was surprised by the amount of people who expected meat at a wedding. It’s ONE meal. And it’s free! I think serving an all vegan wedding would be such a fabulous opportunity to show people how amazing vegan food is. The problem is, (I think) is that people have a preconceived notion that vegan food is boring and tasteless, so they’ll hate it before they even taste it. VegNews highlighted several different vegan weddings that would inspire anyone!
What do you think? Do you feel obligated to serve meat at a party or wedding?
Veggie Power!
Urban Veganista did a great post on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Health and Human Services’ (HHS) recent report of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. You can read the report here. As Urban Veganista pointed out (and what got me so excited) is that the Dietary Guideline Committee suggests that Americans should transition to a plant -based diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and whole grains., but fell short of promoting a vegan/vegetarian diet. Still, it’s awesome news.
“Our review indicated that intake of vegetable protein is generally linked to lower blood pressure, but this could be due to other components in plant foods, such as fiber, or other nutrients. Individual sources of vegetable protein have no unique health benefits so choice of plant protein sources can come from a wide range of plant-based foods.”
However, when I read, or should I say, tried to decipher, the report, I was a little frustrated. Studies they cited throughout the report were all “inconclusive”, especially regarding soy protein vs. animal protein. Luckily, there were some studies that helped propel a vegan view point:
- Processed meat is linked to cancer, particularly breast, prostrate and colorectal cancers
- Consumption of total meat and red and processed meat (combined) was linked to developing elevated blood pressure and hypertension
- Increase plant-based foods in order to combat obesity
The report clearly shows that there needs to be more research and studies done, but it’s a positive start and step in the right direction.
“I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence.”
Yeah Vegan Weddings!! My long time partner and I just got married in June. We did a small family wedding and no one in either of our families are vegan. In fact after 7 years, my dad still wonders what I can eat. We took everyone out to eat at Portabello a fancy-like vegan italian restaurant in Portland. (all vegan, all seasonal, local, organic) At one point during the meal, after everyone had gotten their food, I nudged Will and told him to look at everyone so happy, exchanging bites and talking about their meals. Then we had a vegan wedding cake the next night with the neighbors and family and they were even those retirees who can’t even pronounce vegan were impressed.
We also held a vegan southern bbq for our friends, a la pot luck style. We made chicken fried tofu, greens and momma’s mac n’ cheeze. It was great to see everyone step up to bat and bring something vegan. (Only one person copped out and brought chips 🙂
Overall, no! If you and your partner are vegan, your day should be vegan too! It’s YOUR day. They can go gorge themselves on a steak afterwards if they are really disgusted……… Which by the way they are most often not!! 🙂
Thanks for letting me share!
Congrats on the nuptials! That’s great you brought your guests to a vegan restaurant–a wonderful way to introduce non vegans to vegan food. It was also so nice that guest for the bbq brought vegan dishes to share–how fun! Thanks for stopping by!
I think that since the event is to celebrate the bride and groom they should serve what they like. Period. I don’t think they should be obligated to cater to everyone elses preferences on their special day. Some chose to and that is very nice but it’s not rude to serve ones preference.
In the past there used to be a limited variety of vegan foods that taste good to people who do eat meat. Now it seems as though vegan foods are making a huge appearance on the food scene and I am blown away at the amount of people that will not eat a product that is vegan. WHY???!!! If it tastes good then great! If not, well try to appreciate it in it’s intended form.
In my opinion, even vegetables and fruits can be bad for you with all the hormones and chemicals used to make them bigger, prettier and more productive. Good old fashioned care for them would produce a quality product that isn’t on steroids. The same goes for meat. I do happen to eat meat but I do notice that my body responds better when I have moderate to low meat intake.
I say vegan is great. It doesn’t have to be difficult. I am very inexperienced when it comes to vegan cooking and baking so I could stand a few lessons and or pointers especially for vegan cakes and sweets. MMM!!!
I think people just have this crazy stereo type in their head that vegan food is bland and boring, so they don’t even want to try it–like they’ve already made up their mind they’re not going to like it. I realize it’s a tough concept to grasp after years of eating meat–even I was nervous when I first gave it up. But you’re right–more and more “vegan awareness” is out and about these days and it’s starting to turn some heads–I LOVE it!
For vegan baking, there is a great cookbook called The Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (also wrote The Vegan Table–another good one). Thanks for stopping by!
So I don’t have internet at my house…and I’m stealing a few minutes at Whole Foods to check my favorite blogs….and I just have to say, Yes, I would serve an all vegan wedding/party. It would introduce so many people to the wonders of vegan eating!
Thanks, Monet! 🙂 I appreciate you including my blog in the few minutes you have! I hope your move to Austin is going smooth!