Vegan MoFo, Day 2:
In the spirit of Election Day, I thought I’d bring up politicians and veganism. You wouldn’t exactly say they go hand-in-hand, but you might be surprised. We already know that Bill Clinton has joined the veg side, but what about other current leaders?
Dennis Kucinich, House Representative, US Congress, Manmohan Singh, 14th and current Prime Minister of India, Coretta Scott King, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, current President of India, Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya, former President of Zambia, Andrew Bartlett, Senator in Australian Parliament, Bernie Goetz, NYC Mayoral candidate, Wilson Goode, former Mayor of Philadelphia, Dr. Janez Drnovsek, 2nd President of Slovenia, James G. Abourezk, US Congressman, Sofia of Greece, Queen of Spain, Anne Campbell, British Parliament member.
And what about some of these oldies: Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Annie Besant, political activist in England and India, Andrews Jacobs, US Congress, Sir Stafford Cripps, British Labor Party politician, General William Booth, British Founder and 1st General of Salvation Army, Lamartine, French writer, poet and politician, Martin Luther, German theologian, Augustinian monk and ecclesiastical reformer, Willem Drees, former Dutch politician and Prime Minister . . .
So how does veganism and politics collide today? Obviously through legislature and activism—mostly animal rights and the practices of meat and dairy producers. But what about food in general and world hunger? Did you know that there is enough grain grown in the world to feed the world? But 40% of it goes to feeding the animals that will eventually be slaughtered. Whether we like it or not, we need politicians to make change.
Such a great post!
Thanks for the reminder to vote! I’m not exactly happy about the results of the election, but I’m glad I made my voice heard. And I loved learning a bit more about the history of veganism and politics.
Really an awesome post! Happy MoFo’ing!
Thanks, everyone! 🙂
Happy MoFo’ing to all of you, too!