This is no surprise.
I hope that my wonderful non-vegan readers (you know who you are) 😉 will take a look at this. There is a superbug strain found in chicken from the antibiotics that they’re pumped full of. It’s a short ABC News segment. WATCH HERE.
I saw this last night on the evening news. I am so glad I have switched over to a vegetarian lifestyle.
In other news, I went to the Dominican Republic and had cheese. I was nervous because I usually have to take an allergy tab beforehand because my nose runs and I get stuffed up soon after but I had cheese there 3 times with no symptoms. Full-on, non-vegan, comes from dairy cheese. I found out that American cheese is processed with aluminum; why, I do not know, but that is probably why I have such an allergic reaction to it.
It is unbelievable what we as Americans allow our government to do to our food.
Hope you have enjoyed your summer!!!
That’s crazy! Why in the world would they need to process cheese with aluminum?! Yet another reason to avoid it. Our government gets away this stuff because we sit back and assume they have our best interests at heart. Sadly, I think there’s too much apathy and ignorance for there to be a monumental change to our food system.
Chicken isn’t awesome. But chickens are!
It’s almost impossible to find chicken that has been raised antibiotic-free because the creatures are so prone to disease. Makes you wonder what horrible food-related disaster will happen next.