Ain’t she purdy? The Husband surprised me for my birthday by giving me this gorgeous juicer. I had been wanting one for a while so I can get the most of my love of fruits and veggies. Maybe I’m just feeling overly excited, but I think it’s time for a contest. 🙂 Considering I’m new to the juicing world, leave a comment with your favorite juicer recipe and/or juicing tip by 12 p.m. EST Sunday, May 8th. I’ll randomly pick a winner on Monday to receive a $25 Amazon gift card!
I can’t wait to start juicing and I’m looking forward to your recipes and tips!! Good luck!
Any juice is better with plenty of ginger added! Pear/celery/carrot/ginger and apple/beet/ginger are some of my favorite combos.
I’ve never juiced myself, so I don’t have any tips but someday soon hopefully!
That’s ok! Together, we’ll both learn a thing or two about juicing!
Ooh, lovely juicer! I’m sure you’ll put it to good use. I don’t have a juicer, but I love gingery juice combos like the ones in the above comment.
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations! And what fun you will have on this new adventure. I’m sure you will keep us all posted. I don’t have a juicer, so I don’t have any tips. But if I had one, I’d love to try recipes with wheat grass. Not just plain wheat grass, but adding other things to it. I used to drink it every morning and felt great. I need to get back into the habit. Can’t wait to see what you juice!
Sometimes I let my dogs eat the pulp thats leftover from the juice, they really love it and it sneaks extra vitamins into their diet! 🙂
Anything with lots of berries is fine with me. Happy Birthday.
What, no veggies, Dean? 😉
While I unfortunately don’t own a juicer, but I do love to get a pear juice with ginger from my favorite juicery (is that what it’s called?)
What an awesome hubby! Great juicer from a solid company.
My fav. is carrot and apple with wheat grass.
Happy juicing and THANKS for the contest!
OH MY!!! I am so excited that you got a juicer! I got one about a year ago and it has been such an amazing addition to my life. Your skin will be beautiful, you’ll feel wonderful and you’ll gross your friends out with your homemade green juices in leftover peanut butter containers. 🙂
Some key tips, ideas and recipes that I’ve acquired over the year:
-Do not mix veggies and fruit with the exception of apples. The Juicerman gives this tip and I have found that most recipes don’t and when you do it tastes weird. This has to do with digestibility too!
-Drink your juices by themselves for maximum nutritional value. (That is without meals)
-Mix up the fruit as you run it through the machine. A few pieces of soft fruit then a few pieces of hard fruit and so on. It keeps the machine going clean and decreases the stopping you have to do because there is a giant mound of carrots stuck to the blade.
-Use the leftover pulp. I have a recipe for juicer pulp muffins from Jae Steele on my website, or there are lots of great raw recipes that make use of carrot pulp. Also store the bowl of pulp in the fridge as you juice through the week and then use it as compost. It is terrific compost! (Maybe chicken feed too, if you have chicks)
-I’ve found that books that are just for juicers and juicer lovers will have more simple recipes. ( x veg + x veg = juice) Books that focus on detox or weight loss typically have more complex recipes. These complex recipes have so much more depth to them and variety. I recommend The Juice Diet by Christina Bailey and The Seven Day Total Cleanse by Mary McGuire-Wein. (The 7 day looks at recipes that focus on the cleansing of each chakra. So the juices focus on color, but many they are delicious!)
-One of my favorites from McGuire-Wein.
-1 sm beet
-3 med carrots
-1 med parsnip
-2 red apples
-1/4 c peeled and diced yam
-1 stalk rhubarb
-1in piece of ginger root.
And from Bailey
Lemon Green Cleanser
-2 celery sticks
-3 lg handfuls of kale
-2 apples
-1 lemon peeled (leave the pith on because it has lots of nutrients)
-1 tsp green superfood (optional)
juice everything then stir in the superfood if using
Last one! This is for a hot summer day!
Ginger Pear Cooler
-1/2 lemon
-1in piece of ginger root, peeled
-1/2 cucumber
-1 pear
juice and then serve over ice.
Carrot + Apple + Celery + Ginger is one of my standbys!
Wow, you are going to have so much fun with your new toy! Good luck and I hope you find those recipes that work for you and the joy that lies in juicing!
Oh my gosh!! Thank you, thank you for all the GREAT juicing advice! Those tips are good things to know and I’m excited to try the recipes you listed. I’m glad you have some recommendations for juicer books because I didn’t know where to begin with that. This morning, my juicer had its inaugural juicing when I juiced 2 apples, 2 C kale, 2 C spinach and 2 C parsley. It was delish. I’m so hooked with juicing! Thanks again for taking the time to give me tips and recipes–you’re amazing!
That’s the same juicer we have at home! We love it also. So easy to clean!